Tape, pillows, towels, and other makeshift positioning methods are unpredictable and can lead to sub-optimal surgical site access and limits the surgeon’s ability to make critical adjustments during the procedure. Not to mention patients can be at risk for complications if they are placed in positions that are not physiologic.1
Provides optimal positioning of anatomic landmarks and radiographic visualization for ACDF procedures.
The Y-shape strap design provides symmetric depression of the shoulder girdle.
Enables easy intraoperative patient adjustments that may reduce risk of brachial plexus injury and skin damage.
Positioning the patient on their side is one of the most challenging operative positions to establish, maintain and adjust during the procedure.
Unique arm bolster design prevents the patient from rolling anteriorly and provides the anesthesia staff easy access to IV lines.
Stabilizing the torso with hip and axillary bolsters and securing the patient with adjustable straps allows for manipulation of the pelvic anatomy without the need to break the table.
Designed to address the critical need for abdominal decompression and accommodation of urinary catheters and IV lines.
Compatible with ProneView and other head/face positioners.
Enables easy intraoperative patient adjustments that may reduce risk of brachial plexus injury and skin damage.
Anterior Cervical